Conifer House Bed and Breakfast Inn

Conifer House Bed and Breakfast Inn

B&B · West Stevanna Way 1701, 86001 Flagstaff, États-Unis


Prix: € 158
Commentaires: -
Nombre de chambres: 4
Arrivée: 16:00 - 18:00
Départ: till 11:00
Téléphone: 001 928-774-2438
Adresse: West Stevanna Way 1701
Résidence: Flagstaff
Code postal: 86001
État / Province /
Pays: États-Unis
site Web

Aucun description en Français.

Conifer House Bed and Breakfast Inn ., An exquisite Flagstaff bed and breakfast lodging. A comfortable, quiet retreat amid giant blue spruce trees and rustling aspens that allows you to kick back and relax, read a good book, take a hike, ride a mountain bike (on some of the best trails in the country,) OR... soak in your own private Jacuzzi whirlpool bath and/or indulge yourself in a sumptuous breakfast and afternoon treats. A place that encourages you to do as much or as little as you desire... a respite from your work-a-day world.

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